Little Good Luck Charms

You are probably viewing this web site because you picked up an object with this URI, and were curious about its meaning. The object you probably picked up is a "Little Good Luck Charm", which is what the Sanskrit word "SWASTIKA" ‒ स्वस्तिक ‒ really means. The Swastika is one of human-kind's oldest symbols. The Swastika has appeared on rock carvings that have been dated to 10,000 years ago. Up until around 100 years ago, the Swastika was a symbol that primarily represented love, life, happiness, abundance, good luck, and auspiciousness of every sort. The Swastika was used, literally, by every people-group on the planet, including the Hebrew people.

Jewish Swastika

These days, some people will probably try to tell you that the Swastika has been irretrievably polluted by so-called "white supremacists" and nazis ‒ it is ignorant and short-sighted to hold such opinions. When I have to, I refer to them as "nastys", because that's what they are: "nastys" represent the exact opposite of everything the Swastika has represented for thousands of years. Personally, I refuse to let some childish, ignorant, so-called "white-supremacist" wannabe-bullies, or those who have been bullied by them, tell me what my sacred symbol means. You're welcome to disagree with me, but doing so will just encourage me, even more in my opinion that the Swastika can be rehabilitated; that the Swastika must be rehabilitated.

For me, the Swastika is, and always has been, a symbol of Sri Ganesha, the elephant-faced Lord of Removing Obstacles, and the second most widely worshipped deity in the world (the first, of course, being Jesus of Nazareth). Sri Ganesha is the deity who is invoked before any other deity, and His yantra ‒ the symbol that represents Him ‒ is the Swastika and the Shatkona, or six-pointed star.

I am not alone. These days, there are more and more people who feel, as I do, that the time has come to reclaim the Swastika from those who have been abusing it. I don't deny that the Jewish people continue to have a rough time of it, but Hebrews used the Swastika as a symbol of auspiciousness, as well. Jewish people have even more need to reclaim the Swastika than Hindus, Buddhists, or Jaina, for whom the Swastika is still a holy symbol.


Think of the most sacred thing in your life, think of the most precious thing, and put the Swastika into that place. Put the Swastika into your heart. Put the Swastika on your altar. Put the Swastika on the image you use to represent God, love, peace, or the cosmos. Put the Swastika on the thing that makes you happy. You will begin to see what the Swastika has meant to humans over this entire planet for all of our human history. For these places are exactly the places it occupied for thousands of years until the second world war, when it fell victim to a chronic infection.

I say to hell with Hitler, me and my friends are taking it back.
          ‒ ManWoman


Little Good Luck Charms

The cross, originally a symbol of painful, torturous death, has been "magically" transformed into the symbol that represents the religion with the largest number of adherents in the world, and that took two thousand years. The Swastika is FIVE TIMES older than that, with a history to match, and yet it has taken less than one hundred years to "magically" transform it into a symbol of hatred for most people. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to figure out exactly how that works.

I invite Jews, and all others affected by war, to look at the evidence for the existence of a sacred Swastika in the world. While it is unfortunate that such a positive symbol would come to represent what, to most people, is a synonym for the ultimate evil, that doesn't change the ancient, sacred nature of the symbol in any way. A symbol cannot be held guilty for the acts of a mad man.

There is only one Swastika. It takes many forms, but it's always a Swastika. The issue is not whether Hitler's Swastika is different from ours. The issue is that the Swastika is ours, not Hitler's.


If, after reading this, you decide that you disagree with me, please put the Little Good Luck Charm somewhere where someone else can find it. Thank you.


